Have you heard about the AUTOSURF program?
The AUTOSURF program is a rich quick program that provides benefits such as the percent per day or per month, you have enjoined to surf on the web site to their clients every day, they generally pay your money through the new member of the join.
Very easy sound is not it? But be careful because many AUTOSURF program was just a scam. Usually they ask us to deposit the amount of money to become a member, and when have reached the minimum payout they will pay us.
The AUTOSURF programs not only a scam programs, actually there are a lot of scam program in the intrnet. Just additional information for you, here is a discrete program scam
1.Distribution of income or income / bonus / dividend / royalties to all members, usually every month, comes from the accumulation of monthly dues new member
2.usually if they promised not need member promote, does not need to recruit a new member, sitting with a sweet enough and the money will come by itself, does not need to search for the downline system randomiser and the other ... They will do who campaign and seek a new member.
3.There are so many promises bonus / dividend / royalty / reward / achievement etc.
Diposkan oleh MARCELIA AYUNI PRAMESTY di 1/28/2009 11 komentar
If you have read my previous post, of course you already know about the paid to review program or pay per post program. PPC is a program of how to earn money in the virtual world with write a review, payment will be given to each review which we have written. The payment depends on the agreement between the advertiser and publisher, of course, the broker PTR also get a commission, usually about 35%. I feel this is a good program and solid pay us (not spam), especially for one who like writing.
To follow the program's main requirement is we should have a blog that was about 3 months and has a total posting no less than 20 original posting content. That's the basic Condition of all PTR broker. Of course there is one of them ask us to write in a good English grammar and good English spelling.
After trying several ways, I finally found a way that may be useful for you all who want to join in this program. I will guide you from start planning to register in the PTR site. The way I suggest that may not be common, but I feel very useful.
1. Before you try to create a blog you should to write at less 25 articles in the same category (like art, automotive, business, educations, food, and others), I recommend your subject is about tips and tricks, not a product information. Maybe you will look for the idea from the old magazine. Remember, you should write in English with the good spelling and good grammar too.
2. Join in blog hosting (I recommend in blogger.com), and start to create a blog. You should used the ready adsense template to write a blog. Don't forget to put a meta tag in the head section, like
<meta name="robots" content="INDEX, FOLLOW"/>
<meta name="description" content="your blog description "/>
<meta name="keywords" content="your keywod "/>
as a record that should be remembered, gained between the content, title, keyword and url should use the same word.
3. Posting three articles that we prepare before. You can change the settings options post a date when the previous three months if you do not want to wait in your blog approve three months later.
4. Submit your blog in 40 search engines at once, you can click here to register your blog in 40 search engine.
5. Submit your blog in a lot of blog directory, such as Technorati, a blog search, and more. A tip if you register at the Technorati blog ping your blog every day.
6. Blogwalking, go to the other blog and write your comment on it, at least 10 blogs every day
7. Join in a lot of forum and promote your blog there.
8. Join in autosurf program to increase your traffic
9. Join in web stat to check your own visitors and put the widget in your blog
10. Post any posts every day until all articles that have been prepared (25 pieces) out. I encourage you to sett your post options. Remember the last 13 articles should to post in the running month.
11. Check your traffic, if your traffic has has reached minimize 500 visitors, you can register your blog in broker PTR sites
hopefully my tips good for you, good luck
Diposkan oleh MARCELIA AYUNI PRAMESTY di 1/23/2009 0 komentar
If we want our blog or web site become a money machine, of course, the number of visitors we have to be a major concern for us. I think, create a blog or website is not too difficult, especially this time there are many web builders offer to us. For the sample This my own blog. I create my blog without any HTML skill, but my blog is exist. The number of visitor who view our site is very important and we simply spin. especially for a newbie like me.
I remember, in the first week, my visitors are only a little number (under 20 visitors a week). I feel very sad to see it, I've tried to do all that I know how to increase my blog visitors, like blog walking, join in some forum, promote in some advertiser sites. Almost every time I use to do so, but every time I check the number of my blog visitor, I still see in the low number. I feel very disappointed and almost despair.
One day when I'm blog walking, I read the tips of how to increase our visitors (traffic). simple principle, We just surf a lot of other web site and we can earn the traffic . The more we see the other website, it will be more and more traffic that we also get. At the time I was thinking, why do not I try to do? So I go to the site and join as a member.
When I was joining in that program, my blog visitor was only in 48 (He.......he.....he)
. That's so low right? The fist days the visitors increase in 148. And the seconds day are 300 visitors. I say thank God to see the numbers. I'm very happy. Now I set off my blog and add content to keep people interested to come back.
That is my increase traffic experience, maybe it will be into additional knowledge for you (if you have problem as like as my problem). If you interest to follow this program you just enter surf to earn traffic in the search engine, and you will get some sites to select. Or if you like to join in autosurf like me, you can click here.>
Diposkan oleh MARCELIA AYUNI PRAMESTY di 1/23/2009 84 komentar
How Easy To Get Our First Internet Dollar
If you've read my previous post, and you have practice my suggestion, of course you think that the money on the internet is not easy. Of course, not as easy as we take our savings in the bank, fill out a form to stay, signature and earn money directly. But do not worry, not all businesses have an easy, all must work through a whole-hardly.You must always remember in the spirit of your mind is not to give up on the worse situation.
I ever have experience that really ugly with the internet business. At that moment I followed an affiliate refferals programs. The duty is unheavy, only promote a contest, and we will be paid as big as $1 of each one who sign up in our link. At that moment I really make every effort to get referal as much as possible. I conduct promotion either online or offline. My refferal earning accelerate quickly till exceed minimum goals payout, but after awaited in the reality there is never check that going to my address.
I feel prustation for some length of time, do not want to think again to open the internet. At a time until I return surf the Internet and found a site that is interesting BestPaidOnline.com.
This site is a site between the fusion program PTP (paid to post) and PTC (read email). If we register on the site, then we will get a sign up bonus of $ 3. No figment of our course, but perhaps that is the real first dollar from the internet that we get.
earning we will continue to grow with the way the site is sent via email to us. Each website that we will open our earning increase of $ 0.01. Of course you are thinking very small, very long time to get a minimum payout of $ 25. It does not need to worry because there are other ways to increase our revenue, with the forum. Any answers or topics that we post on the forum we will get $ 0.02. And there are dozens of topics that we can follow it there.
It's not a written rule on the post in this forum, that is, we're not allowed to post the same topic in more than 10 post. And then if we violate our earning comes from the post will be removed, entirely, so only earning a living from the e-mails. So if you want to post your opinion should be assigned to each topic, not only are collected in a topic only. This will be considered that we have been doing spam.
If you want to develop more earning we can also follow the referral program, where we will get 10% of the referral income, for a premium member can even reach 20%.
I truly believe that this site is valid, and can pay us correctly. There are my friends (of course not from the forum site) who has received payment from this site through their paypal account. At least on this site we can practice to express our opinions in English, as we train the courage to write English.
If you are interested or just want to see the site, please click here.To become a member on the site is absolutely free. I unreservedly for this site is meritorious because I have to restore trust in the Internet business.
Diposkan oleh MARCELIA AYUNI PRAMESTY di 1/18/2009 3 komentar
If you are looking for alternative media investment, should begin to look cheap option and rousing in the virtual world, the investment in the area online. As well as buying land in the real world the form of land, also provides a virtual world of online domain name that can be rented or even sold.
Domain names can be referred to as the address where the land is we have. For example, if your physical store location is in the JL. Africa, Asia no.1, your domain is the online store for example www.asiaafrika.com. Real buyers will come to your physical address, while buyers will visit the virtual www.asiaafrika.com, to go to your online store.
Well if you have the land now called the online domain, but not used, there is one program that can create online a land of cash machines, the park domain.
Through the park your domain will be leased as a parking area other domains. You will get money for each click on the visitors who come to the website. The money comes from advertisers who advertise the site through the parking service provider. If you have parking, then your domain will include links from advertisers or the advertiser.
This program can be spelled out very easy to do because it only owned a domain without hosting, without the need to understand the language should be a kind of HTML, and content of the page. Although the park has become surplus domain, but it can also mean that the weakness of the park domains. Domain that contains only a link and have no content, clearly does not have any attraction for visitors.
Well if you are interested in the property business online or even children and grandchildren want to inherit a form of virtual land, park domain is one of the answers you desire it.
Here are some site address for the domain parking
1. Activeaudience
2. Adshack
3. Domainspa
4. Domainsponsor
5. Dotzup
6. Godaddy
7. Goldkey
8. Imonetize
9. Namedrive
10. Sedo
Diposkan oleh MARCELIA AYUNI PRAMESTY di 1/17/2009 0 komentar
Getting Money Only With The Make Design
Have talent in the field of design? If so, there is good news that can make you become rich from the virtual world. Currently, there are many places on the Internet that can accommodate creative ideas become a field of money.
This program allows you to sell products and also have online stores without having to remove the least capital. How?
Things you need to do is create an image for the design of merchandise (eg T-shirt, day, mug, poster, or a hat). Design and then send it to your service provider. They will then exhibit the works at the website. If there are any interested visitors to buy merchandise, eg, design a T-shirt with a picture you have, then they will make the shirts and send them to the buyer.
Benefits derived from the difference between your selling price basis, which is determined with the price that you set yourself. For example, if a T-shirt is worth a basic $ 20, you can sell it with $ 25 for a $ 5 profit per sale.
So more and more visitors who are interested to use the design you want on the goods purchased, the larger the opportunity for you to reach your dollar.
Some of the addresses that can be followed to sell your creative ideas are:
1. Zazzle
2. Printmojo
3. Flyingcart
4. Spreadshirt
Diposkan oleh MARCELIA AYUNI PRAMESTY di 1/16/2009 1 komentar