I often see any posts about google adsense, either on an account, and all the tricks and tips related to google adsense. until I felt so famous google adsense so that each person discuss?
What is the google adsense? According sparing my google adsense program is a PPC (pay per click) to give them a commission payment from each click on the ads that appear on our site. From every click made by visitors to the site, we get about $ 0.01. The numbers are not very large. If we want the maximum revenue, of course we have to encompass as many visitors to our site. And will provide payment adsense revenue if we have reached $ 100.
I hold the light is not so optimistic with the amount, imagine if every click was only $ 0.01 for a $ 100 we need approximately 10,000 clicks from visitors. If five people from our visitors only get a 1-click means we have to bring 50,000 thousand visitors to our site.
I think the most important for us learned in google adsense program is not a way to get accounts, but a way to attract people to want to visit our site. Moreover, if we successfully entered the site's first page of search engines. Please note the keywords that are also not required keywords that are not common, but the keywords that many people used to do a search on search engines. We can only have a blog entry to the first page of search engines with keywords that are not common, but if there are other people who will write the same keyword with us? For example, I enter a keyword deamoy blog, then that is out of this blog, but if there are other people who write down the words as we deamoy blog?
So is the main key to enter our site to the first page of search results, with the right keywords.
There are several tricks that can be done to increase our page ranking in our search engine's eyes, one with writing the meta tags in the HTML code head.
The next step is to register at our site search engine. Also do the registration in directory, and also in the google site map. This step will help introduce our site to the search engine.
The next step is to do update our site often as we can do. For example we do in a day or 5 post.This is done to establish friendship with the search engine is.
The next step create a design to make visitors interested and they always want to return to our site. Can be done in a way to provide content that is unique and not copy from another site.
Last is to establish a friendship with the other sites, make a link as much as we can, with the hope that our site will also link to link back to our site. Leave a comment with the url our site is also very beneficial. often site after reading other people we always write our comments, and we leave the url there.
If you can do with the way the campaign ads on our site. Or have a little tip, create an account friendster.com and add content with an url link to our site. Add friends as much as possible, hopefully from a friend in the add are interested to open our site.
I hope in this way we can bring visitors to our site as much as possible. And, of course, with the number of visitors to our site will also more and more opportunities for us to get ad clicks from their adsense.
On how to get adsense account, I think a lot has been discussed by the author, but may in the next post I will study on how to get the adsense account.
Diposkan oleh MARCELIA AYUNI PRAMESTY di 12/09/2008 0 komentar
Inside AdSense: Time limit for AdSense referrals earnings is now 180 days
Diposkan oleh MARCELIA AYUNI PRAMESTY di 12/09/2008 0 komentar
How To Make Internet Money With Play and Learn forex
For some people, foreign exchange transaction is a fun activity. Among other things, the exchange rate because of the forex-down ride. Unfortunately, they can participate in the play most of this business is the people who have a lot of money.
Marketiva is usually used as one of the options trading because it gives the real free cash of $ 5 cash for real trading and $ 10,000 for a demo or virtual trading. In addition to not collect a commission, Marketiva also provides news, such as alerts, chat, chart tool, and the capital which is very minimal ($ 1) to study and start trading
Here are the steps it takes to start trading in Marketiva:
1. Visit marketika with the click here. After the front page appears, click on the menu open an account, then fill in the fields according to the registration data anda.Selanjutnya, click the service tab and download the software Marketiva trading. Then install on your computer.
2. After the install is complete, do the registration. If the registration is done successfully, log in with your username and password that you choose.
3. Complete data upload documents to the self-surrender (Pasport / resident card / driving license / photo) that have been scanned, do not make a trade before the document you are verified and approved.
4. After the data itself is received, you can make real and virtual trading software through Marketiva. Trading can be done for 24 hours.
After you log in a new window will appear showing the exchange rate of foreign exchange, fund rate, index, and commodity prices.
In the transaction, the price of buying and selling price of a forex kuotasi stated in the bid / ask or bid / offer. Bid is the price level, where traders are willing to buy foreign exchange, while the ask or offer price is the level where traders are willing to sell foreign exchange. It is important to remember that the exchange rate kuatasi bid / ask is resiprokal. That is, the purchase of a foreign exchange will be followed by other foreign exchange sales.
Diposkan oleh MARCELIA AYUNI PRAMESTY di 11/07/2008 0 komentar
How to Make Internet Money With Paid For Fun
Have a penchant to play games that can also make money. With the game-play games online, you can redeem the time lost when fraudulent play games with the commission or gifts that we get sometimes is quite sizeable.
To join and become a player, simply register through the form provided and you can play in some of the following site address
A stock simulation game online, where participants can share sale and purchase transactions with virtual capital. At the end of the round, the participants with the highest value portopolio will get a prize of $ 100, payable through Paypal
2. Photomystery
This game gives the picture a gift of $ 10 to the winner. Also paid through Paypal. In the game, each participant can only take one game per week.
3. Lifebets
Online game that will give you the "capital" of $ 100,000 to play, the accuracy of the game as a matter or event.
4. Moola
Playing games in moola very interesting, because the money earned will be increased if we win a game. Unfortunately, sometimes we have to wait too long other players who will play as our opponents pile.
5. Streetracingwar
This game is done with the other players told to click on a link. Each link is clicked by a player, you will get the money. At the end of the period, with the winner of the money will be given the highest prize of $ 100 through Paypal
If you really love to play games, why not try to play at these sites, Ok have a good time.
Diposkan oleh MARCELIA AYUNI PRAMESTY di 11/06/2008 0 komentar
Tips and Tricks Doing Business on The Internet
In fact, if we see there is no technique that is completely new to start a business internet. Various e-book is offered with the high price rebound also can not guarantee we will be successful doing business on the internet, let alone programs that offer rich suddenly in one night (like the story of one thousand nights only).
Basically, all the e-book that has the same basic, and the old business of the Internet is still the same technique. Perhaps the only development that only slightly different, tailored to the situation on the market at this time.
Here are the basic techniques have on the internet that I have already summarized darti a variety of sources
1. Build Unique Position in the Web business.
What's the most unique product or service from you? What better
from your competitors or equal to that offered by product
other people?
Online site that will not bring success, such as the existing one.
site that is able to win is the issue of the unique
target market.
2. Unique Web Position is more important than ad copy.
Combining the concept of the UWP and will always be successful even if
only the ad copy, which is only normal.
3. Do not just offer cheap, if not sell the product.
In some cases, you may install a high price on the product
offered. this happens because you do not position themselves for
presents the value added products to your customers.
in other words, always provide added value to the products that you offer.
4. Discover the market before creating a product.
People who start a business with new products and explore market
will have difficulties in doing business. Discover the market with
Those who are ready to buy a product.
Most of that was first sought by the new market is a success
and develop products that are constantly searching for and purchased by
5. Find a hungry throng.
the market potential will be hungry, your products, the possibility for success
will always be available. Do not spend your time to change habits
people in buying habits. Create and discover the many products
6. Do not try to make market.
Find the existing market. If you are experiencing difficulties in
explain prospect who actually you, then you will face
ordeal in selling your products. Go to the market that has been prepared
to buy your products.
7. Testing is the key to success.
An ad may be able to work 10 times more effectively with other ads that
almost similar to the same product. Therefore, you should always do
test feature for the ad, quote, security, and methods to increase demand
another. The most successful sellers are not always the most clever. They
is always do the test methods to obtain the most good
without ever surrendered.
8. The reason for doing the ad to increase sales.
A small business will not be able to budget for millions of rupiah
ad spending, creating a brand name for their website. For example,
banner ads you have to try to test to ensure that every dollar
issued sale can increase profits.
9. There is always the cost of an ad for free.
any small ads you do will be interesting starch cost of budget,
either in the form of money and time. Make sure that all this can run
in accordance with expectations. none of which you do the right
absolutely free.
10. Every aspect of the website and you should be focused on marketing to
UWP show you to the customer.
Whatever you do should always be focused on a Unique Web Position
strategy. Signature file, header, order form, free reports, etc. ad.
Make a consumer you always know what makes you different from your competitors.
11. Who do you integrate in one strategy.
Activities are diverse, free report and the ads must focus on
the same prospects and the prospects continue to lead to the decision
purchase. Do not focus on how to bring millions of people
visit your website. Ten prospects who are ready to buy
all the products offered will be better and more useful than the
millions of people who only see it.
12. Plan a variety of revenue streams in the face.
In many cases, 50% -90% or more of the profits obtained by the internet business
of additional services. If you neglect to give more than one type of product
or services, you will lose most of the profits.
13. Make sure you include the value added goods in the overall strategy.
If you sell the cheap price are not
consumption, you have to add value on the item. Will be easier
sell a high-quality goods worth 1 million compared to sell 50
50 thousand worth of goods.
14. Create a vessel belonging to its own internet marketing.
The best strategy may involve low-quality goods, are
and high-together is incorporate them in a container.
For example, a consultant can make a book for ordinary products, courses
preferred medium for marketing. Then, to quote the high -
consulting as the actual Core Bussiness it.
15. Take the market's most like you.
Do not take the product or market-based currency. Find something
you really like. If you are vibrant market with you, then you
will find an easy way to manage until you reach
16. Always willing to think outside your region.
Are willing to look and think outside the internet to find
ideas and new strategies that may help
increase profits. If a technical advantage can help to increase off-line, can be applied online. The only way to
to know it is with the testing.
17. No marketing techniques that are really new.
We talk about the latest techniques, but in fact there is no technical
marketing is truly new. In this industry someone who may be different
have used it. So we open the eyes, ears open wherever you are
18. Human nature is always the same.
Marketing principle that since there are already 100 years ago and still works
until now is human nature will not change. For example, consumers
to be more interested in themselves than with the business.
People still want a basic benefit for himself, not
other people.
19. Discover the opportunities that most easily.
Do not select a product cost 20 million who take 2 years to
complete, especially when you're starting something. Find a project that is only
take one month. Indeed, quite tiring when you start,
but make sure you are still in the correct paths.
20. Avoid challenges when choosing a business.
The challenge that will actually appear after you finish up a
project. so, find the projects that you believe can be completed in a period
short time. Most beginners never able to complete the project
take over a month.
All that is written above it is easy to say, but it
in fact aplicated in your business is another.
Ask yourself this time, if you have to do as written
over all this time?
Do not ever stop to think, and always take a pen and paper,
who knows you find new ideas for your business, or new ideas
thinked who had never before. You certainly do not want to lost
Very simple, and nothing is really new, basically all the same. The most important of all is what we should to serious to manage the business? Remember, if we go to a business, we have to focus on managing the business. How, already have an idea what would you do? So let's start now, remember the Sonner is the better, tomorrow may be too late.
Diposkan oleh MARCELIA AYUNI PRAMESTY di 10/14/2008 0 komentar
Have you read my older post about free domain name? If you have read, you can continue to this post. I will talk about the free web hosting.
If we had a domain name, of course we need a web hosting. There are so many sites offers us a web hosting, but this site is different, it offers a free web hosting. Here the specification it's offer to us:
free people from the public HTML.
Try to see what they offer to us:
»Free Web Hosting
1,500 MB Disk Space
Bandwidth = 100.000 MB 100 GB!
Allowed Unlimited Domains
CPanel Control Panel,
Ads on your pages? No Banners or Ads!
Your own ads allowed? Yes
For more details, please
If you interest to here it, let,s we see the steps to get our free web hosting.
1. Click here to go to the site.
2. Sign up, by fill the sign up form
3. confirm your account by clicking the link in your e-mail
4. confirm you IP adress by download the ip_confirm.exe
5. Go to control panel
Now, you can host your web, there are many tools to built a web page, like template collections, web builder, and other. We also can put some add or banner here. More information, we can join to the affiliate program and earn $5 for everyone who sign up in your link. So Let,s go to join
Diposkan oleh MARCELIA AYUNI PRAMESTY di 10/12/2008 0 komentar
Do you have a domain name? How much does it cost you should spend to get? If you are not yet have it, perhaps this is a good solution for you. This is my experience.
Several days ago I visited a site that is quite interesting. In that site, I get information on the site we can get a free domain name. I’m interested folks, I can tidy my business better. I was only in a blog.
I signed up there and get a domain name for my store. Appeared. In addition to getting free domain we can also add a little income too. How to follow with their affiliate programs. We promote their sites, and when we invite people to success fully take on the register our link, we will get the commission $ 0.1 (more than the commission on the google adsense) and the commission from the sale of 10% -40%.
I signed up there and get a domain name for my store. Appeared. In addition to getting free domain we can also add a little income too. How to follow with their affiliate programs. We promote their sites, and when we invite people to success fully take on the register our link, we will get the commission $ 0.1 (more than the commission on the google adsense) and the commission from the sale of 10% -40%.
If you interrest to join in the site, here the step by tep guide
1. Click here to go to the site
2. Check your domain name available
3. continue to register
4. fill the sign up form
5. seting your domain by writing your domain you have available check
6. finish, your own domain has you get
If you want to earn more from this site, join in affiliate program, it is easy. Just click on the refferals in navigations bar. Sign up and you will be a member. You can earn $0,1 from the free sign up0 belong to your link, and for sale: 10% ~ 40% commission. Payment will be sent by paypal everyday once you will accumulate $1 ~ $10,000 USD
So what are you waiting for? Let's go and be a member, I guarante it so easy.
Diposkan oleh MARCELIA AYUNI PRAMESTY di 10/10/2008 0 komentar